A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2250

Chapter 2250


He continued to dine gracefully, occasionally tending to Laura’s needs.

Under the table, his warm hand affectionately held hers.

It was a warmth that enveloped Laura.

It was one she couldn’t refuse.

Edwin leaned in, his voice a soft murmur.

“Once we’ve finished eating, let’s take a stroll, and then I’ll escort you home.”

Laura couldn’t quite discern his intentions, but she couldn’t depart.

Edwin seemed like a ticking time bomb, on the verge of detonation, and she had no desire to create a scene over their relationship.

She attempted to convince herself.

However, deep within, she acknowledged that she was holding on to the comforting warmth he, and only he could offer.

She yearned to indulge just a little while longer.

Just for this one night.

Edwin displayed exceptional tenderness toward her, and as a result, Laura’s demeanor softened, rendering them a striking portrayal of newlyweds. After their meal, the ancient street had become even busier than before, filled with numerous young couples taking leisurely strolls.


The street itself was adorned with shops peddling various trinkets.

Those weren’t particularly valuable items, but they held the kind of charm that young girls often adored.

Edwin gestured ahead.

“Let’s have a look.”

Laura walked beside him, and before long, Edwin gently draped his arm around her shoulders. She attempted to evade his grasp, but an oncoming crowd forced Edwin to swiftly pull her into his arms.

Her face nestled against his chest.

His scent, consistently fresh, bore the clean aroma of a man who worked in an office. Yet, Edwin was not overly fastidious, radiating a robust, masculine aura.

Laura found herself momentarily stunned.

Edwin’s voice, pitched low, inquired, “Disappointed? My muscles aren’t as firm as Dylan’s.”

His tone held a hint of bitterness, and Laura chose not to reply.

Edwin encircled her waist and asked softly, “What about Dylan?”

